189 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Alpha


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Sun 30th Jan 09:41
Space Lines rated  Fair
The mechanics of the board are an impressive use of the tools available to get the desired game-play. Unfortunately, the games I have been have ended do to a mistake and not do to great strategy.
#30 of 30
Sun 30th Jan 09:36
Hawaiian Islands rated  Great
This is a fun board to play as long as you are not looking for quick easy win or a long empire building victory.
This variant on the classic continent style board is small so games do not drag on. The pirate ships on the outside allow access to all parts of the board without opening the board and making positions undefendable. Since the bonuses and cards are small, it takes patience and planning to win and of course a well timed elimination is a staple of good strategy.
#29 of 30
Sun 30th Jan 09:28
9 Blocks rated  Good
This a nice board built upon an optical illusion and usually the games end in about 20 rounds. Since the graphics and continent structure are simple, it is easy to learn how to play this board.
In the few games I have played I have notice that:
The early leader does not usually go on to win the game. This is good quality for a board to have since there is reason to continue playing no matter how bad your position is.
The board requires some patience. Since it is hard to defend a position, aggressive play is not rewarded.
There doesn't seem to be any in depth strategies to imploy so the game-play is pretty standard, build, grow, expand and keep opponents in check.
#28 of 30
Wed 8th Sep 23:24
Bowling rated  Great
This is a great board with a fun theme. Who doesn't like to bowl? Just like real bowling you find this board to be easy to understand, difficult to master, frustrating at times, and your opponent will bowl better than you, but there will also be times when you are able to come out on top. Now, go knock down some pins.
#27 of 30
Mon 2nd Aug 00:22
Appomattox Campaign rated  Good
This board offers a great new structure for gameplay.
The unit caps on territories and supply line structure can take a few games to get use to and a couple of mistakes will cost you the game so be careful.
Since it is very difficult to advance, many times you feel a sense of urgency (being paranoid that your opponent is further ahead) and want to over-attack. Matches on this board can become grueling and there is a great sense of achievement when you have finally made a big push to defeat your opponent.
#26 of 30
Sat 17th Jul 23:12
Gear Wars: Episode I rated  Great
This board had an issue originally that has been sufficiently resolved (the game now plays completely differently). The board is a great idea and is a great dueling map. It has a generally easy to understand game-play and strategy, (once you understand the board), but the luck of the dice and the opponent you face can make things interesting. I enjoy playing this board and recommend playing a few matches before coming to a conclusion as things can be confusing in the beginning.
#25 of 30
Tue 29th Jun 22:16
Rent is Due Again rated  Great
This board has grown on me as I play more games on it. At first it seems like a cheesy setup for a board without a lot of thought, but after a few games you find that the bottlenecks of the apartment dramatically change this from a standard map. The layout of the apartment may be a little artistically rendered and unrealistic is scale, but this only adds to the creativity of the map. This board is easy to understand and fairly intuitive to navigate. I highly recommend playing a few games on this prior to forming a rigid opinion.
#24 of 30
Mon 28th Jun 08:14
This is excellent hordes map. The games I have played have all been fun and depending on which corner of the map you start, you have a different strategy that tends toward victory. Be careful to spread to thin and someone will surely cut you down.

Black is a bad color for this map. Twice I have gone for an elimination of black and failed to see one territory that was covered by the "break-out" in the wall. This should now be okay with the player territory selection feature.
#23 of 30
Mon 28th Jun 08:09
Biohazard rated  Average
Fun simple board with cards being the important factor. Can be interesting to play if you don't get spread too thin when the big cards come. Agree with Krock, bad luck early leads to an early end.
#22 of 30
Sun 20th Jun 23:37
Ribbon World rated  Superb
I have liked this map for a while and cannot pinpoint exactly what catches my attention. It may be that I have tended to win or it could be the games I have played have all been fun or something else. I recommend giving the board a try with at least 5 people.
#21 of 30
Sun 20th Jun 23:31
The RiskyVerse rated  Great
This is a great territory/bonus map not unlike the original risk map. The graphics are good and the map is easy follow. Great map, especially when played with light fog.
#20 of 30
Sun 20th Jun 23:26
Darts rated  Superb
The idea behind this board is excellent and the theme does not distract from the game-play. Another great board from the Nygma / Mongrel map-making duo; that is if you like strategy only games using the risk engine. Since this game is in the strategy only genre, the question of whether it is solvable is still out there, can anyone figure out what is "perfect play" on this board?
#19 of 30
Sun 20th Jun 23:21
Risk-E-vaders rated  Fair
I am going to agree with Norseman and Yertle. I think the board has the potential to be great and I love the graphics, but after the first game I played I realized the UFO's and aliens were pretty useless and that taking advantage of the fortify and return to attack was all that mattered.
#18 of 30
Thu 17th Jun 02:36
Plink rated  Great
This board is a lot of fun with three competitors who know and understand how to play. It is a great idea and I have enjoyed most of the games I played on the board. I would certainly recommend trying this if you are looking for a non-standard game of risk.
#17 of 30
Thu 17th Jun 02:32
Global Warfare rated  Fair
The standard map with no special frills.
#16 of 30
Thu 17th Jun 02:28
Circles of Death rated  Good
This is a good attempt at a balanced two player duel map, but a players luck against the neutrals on the first couple of turns seems to be more of a deciding factor than anything else. Since game-play relies mostly on luck, it is not a map I play often, but I am not against joining an open table.
#15 of 30
Thu 17th Jun 02:22
PipeDream rated  Good
Cute board with some good strategies that can be played. Seems like it is more fun with more players and I have had some great games on the board. There does seem to be the problem that once a player secures a strong position, then it is hard for anyone to stop them and the game can drag.
#14 of 30
Thu 17th Jun 02:15
Duck Hunt rated  Average
This is an excellent concept for a map with great graphics and theme. Unfortunately, there is too much power in the first persons first turn and it is too hard for the second player to keep their dog. With a few minor tweaks this could be a great board.
#13 of 30
Tue 15th Jun 23:34
Australian Risk rated  Great
This board is a great twist on the standard map that destroys the take Australia and win strategy on the standard map. The graphics are good and simple.
#12 of 30
Tue 15th Jun 22:37
4Play rated  Average
I have played some fun and exciting game on this map, but I have also played many short games (3 rounds or less) and in a few never had a meaningful turn (eliminated after a forced placement on the first turn).
#11 of 30
Pages:   12   (2 in total)